Montag, 27. Juli 2020

On July 26th, at 8.15 p. m., the 11th international fasting campaing started in Gau Algesheim

Fastingtent in front of the townhall on the marketplace sourrounded by seven streets in Gau-Algesheim

On July 26th, at 8.15 p.m., the 11th international fasting campaign started in Gau-Algesheim. Dr. M.-W. Engelke built up bis fasting tent, supported by the SBi, the social democratic education association of this small, old and beautiful town. The leader of this initiative, Günter Frey, invited pastor Matthias-W. Engelke to celebrate the campaign in the middle of their town, remembering the 75th year of the atomic bombardment of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Due to the still existing nuclear weapons from the United States of America in Germany, at Büchel near Cochem, Rheinland-Pfalz is the only and last federal State of our country to serve the so called nuclear  participation. The promise: members of the international campaign follows the announcement of Matthias Engelke to add a yearly fasting day until the nuclear weapons will disapear from Büchel. So This additional fasting is always ending at 9th of August, at 11.02.o'clock, the time when in 1945 the atomic Bombay destroyed Nagasaki. It should be the Last City worldwide suffered by this horrible human Invention. 
During the opening in Sunday evening, one of the responsible of the town Administration encouraged the citizens to involve in peacefull activities, marking the Township membership in the " mayors for peace", an initiative founded by the mayor of Hiroshima in 1982 to combine the cities to an international network fighting for a world without atomic bombs.   According to this tradition Pastor Engelke cites the fact of one human mankind during the daily remembering prayers.
(Beate Engelke)

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